MPF Initiatives
MPF supports a range of initiatives in the Western Port and Southern Peninsula regions. Community input has led us to invest primarily in high-impact teaching,family and housing support; importantly, all three are integrated. Early intervention and long-term risk mitigation underpin our approach.
Early years oral language
Play-based phonological awareness included
in daily pre-schooler routines to develop strong oral language skills. -
Western Port Learning Guarantee
Creating a cohesive community wide system for all children and young people to succeed in education.
Family Support – Southern Peninsula
Flexible, voluntary, non-time limited support that breaks down barriers experienced by parents and carers to enhance care for children and family members.
Science of Learning in Southern Peninsula Schools
A growing cluster of primary and secondary schools working together to improve literacy and classroom management through implementation of the Science of Learning.
Tootgarook Primary School Breakfast Club
Nourishment in more ways than one at Tootgarook Primary School. It’s a place for students, parents, and teachers to
connect. -
In Tune WithU – Southern Peninsula & Hastings
A music and mental health initiative supporting social and
learning engagement of young people on the Mornington Peninsula. -
Western Port – Music in Schools
Music teaching specialists provide weekly classroom music education to over 500 primary school students laying foundations for learning and transition to secondary school.
Homeless Connections & SPLaSH – Southern Peninsula
Flexible outreach, showers, laundry, a hot meal and a place to belong for people experiencing isolation and homelessness.
Housing support – Western Port
Case management for people at risk of or experiencing homelessness with flexible support and advocacy, and extensive local networks to draw upon.
Willum Warrain Women’s Program
Weekly circle for Aboriginal women held at Willum Warrain Aboriginal Association. Friendships, knowledge and connection through yarning and cultural activities.
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