We invest

in community

led social


Our approach

Listen to people closest to the issues

Identify the root causes and system breakdown

Work with community champions on solutions

Inspire donors to invest in sustainable change on the Mornington Peninsula

On the Mornington Peninsula people live side by side, but worlds apart.

Despite its wealth and abundance, the Mornington Peninsula has some of the highest rates of socio-economic disadvantage in the State. 
It’s been this way for generations.

MPF uses place-based strategic philanthropy to address root causes of social inequity leading to generational change.

Our work on the ground

“Education is the one thing that can get young people into the space they want to be in, rather than the space they’ve been put in. And that’s what we have to focus on.” Lisa Holt Principal, Rosebud Secondary College

Housing Support


Our Community Reach

3100+ Children

and young people in schools that are using evidence based teaching to improve literacy, classroom management and wellbeing.

Over 1100 clients over 4 years

engaged in housing and homelessness support

285+ Educators and Staff

are supported to implement high impact teaching

$11 million raised

and invested into the community since MPF began in 2017.

450+ families

supported to build strong foundations for their children

200+ donors...

individuals, family foundations and trusts.

We pay respect to the Bunurong / Boon Wurrung people as the traditional custodians of the land, sea and sky we live and work on, and to their Elders past, present and emerging.