Western Port Learning Guarantee
The Western Port Learning Guarantee (WPLG) was formed by local primary and secondary school principals in 2019 in response to low education levels and especially poor transition from year 6 to year 7.
As the magnitude of the issues were revealed, it became clear that a system wide approach was needed to address both very low literacy levels, and to integrate well-being supports with education.
The result is that deep connections have formed between Western Port Secondary College, four feeder primary schools and local services. Teachers, support workers, parents and carers are skilled and empathic, and form a connected team around the young people in their care.
The WPLG provides a cohesive pathway for children and young people, optimising conditions for educational success and completion.
"Young people in our community are the basis of our work. If they're at the centre of all we do then the work that comes from that is authentic and will be the approach we need."
Christopher Quinn, Principal Western Port SC
The program’s reach
Crib Point PS
Hastings PS
Wallaroo PS
Tyabb Railway Station PS
Western Port SC
Western Port Community Support