Science of Learning in Southern Peninsula Schools

Since 2022 MPF has supported a cluster of schools – Rosebud SC, Eastbourne, Rye, Rosebud and Tootgarook Primary Schools – to begin the journey to improve literacy levels, create calmer learning environments, and meet student and family well-being needs.

To begin, MPF connected the schools to Knowledge Society, a consultancy specialising in assisting schools in the ideological, cultural and practical transition to the Science of Learning, and through this partnership the schools began to make significant changes.

Rosebud Secondary College focused on the implementation of Classroom Mastery under the direction of Dr Tim McDonald and Literacy Intervention with Simmone Pogorzelski from Knowledge Society. Classroom Mastery involved whole school Professional Development resulting in all teachers implementing an approach that was standardised across all classes and year levels. This includes a number of engagement norms and lesson plans that enhance structure, establish expectations and ensure regularity for all students at all times.

Teachers at RSC reported being up to four weeks ahead in their teaching
programs after implementing it. This work has been transformational with dramatic decreases in disruptive behaviours and the use of suspensions.

The Classroom Mastery work implemented at Rosebud SC attracted national media attention in 2023 on ABC’s 7.30 Report and in The Age & Sydney Morning Herald Good Weekend.

The high intensity literacy intervention program at RSC resulted in a restructure of all English classes enabling the very high number of students who were well below expected levels to be supported with tailored interventions. Diagnostic testing through the Science of Learning enabled the school for the first time to establish the actual level of need and to identify the interventions specifically required for
each student.

Classroom Mastery was implemented at Rye Primary and has seen similar changes at that the school. At Eastbourne and Tootgarook Primary Schools training and coaching focused on literacy. Reductions in at risk levels in the student population are encouraging.

"Education is the one thing that can get young people into the space they want to be in, rather than the space they've been put in. And that's what we have to focus on."

Lisa Holt, Principal, Rosebud SC

The program’s reach


Rosebud SC

Tootgarook PS

Eastbourne PS

Rye PS

Rosebud PS





